FOJMP Board of Directors
At Large, Buzz Hines
At Large, Julie Mills
At Large, [open]
Bicycle Trails Council, Tom Gandesbery
The Bicycle Trails Council of the East Bay was formed in 1987, and is the oldest mountain bike advocacy group in the United States. By educating cyclists in how to coexist with hikers and equestrians the BTC created and developed the tools that have become the model for advocacy groups all over the U.S. The BTC/Oakland Bike Patrol is part of IMBA’s National Mountain Bike Patrol program and consists of volunteers partnering with land managers and Oakland PD, to assist, educate and inform trail users in order to improve the quality and safety of the park. BTC has been a leader in encouraging low-impact environmentally friendly riding, volunteer trail work participation, cooperation among different trail user groups, and grass roots advocacy. Of course we also love to ride bikes and have fun!
Butters Canyon Conservancy, Bobbi Babineau-LoundsThe Butters Canyon Conservancy (BCC) conserves wild landscapes in Butters Canyon – along Peralta Creek – and promotes environmental awareness throughout the watershed to preserve vital habitat for all Bay Area residents to enjoy. Visit BCC’s website.
California Writers Club, Kristen CavenThe statewide California Writers Club was formed on this land and has been operating continuously since 1913, the year Joaquin Miller died. Open to writers of all genres and levels, the Berkeley Branch has a Writer-in-Residence program and offers a monthly writing retreat in the park for the public.
Chabot Space & Science Center, Lisa Hoover
Crane Way Neighbors, Dale Risden | Chair
Crestmont Homeowners, Michael Amankwah
Dimond Improvement Association, [open]
Equestrian Advocate & Local Historian, Amelia Marshall
Trails Chair for California State Horsemen’s Association, Region 5; representative of Alameda County Historical Society and Oakland Heritage Alliance.
Friends of Sausal Creek, Kristy Brady
The Friends of Sausal Creek (FOSC) is a grassroots, community-based nonprofit dedicated to restoring and maintaining Sausal Creek and its 2,600-acre watershed. Since its founding in 1996, FOSC has become one of the leading community-based environmental groups in the Bay Area and a model for other grassroots organizations. With more than a dozen active restoration sites, FOSC organizes volunteer workdays to remove invasive plants, protect endangered species, and restore ecological balance to the watershed. Staff and volunteers operate a native plant nursery in Joaquin Miller Park for propagating local native species to replace the vegetation that is removed. An active educational program brings students of all ages into the watershed to learn about environmental stewardship. FOSC works closely with governmental agencies to promote a healthier ecology and to partner on key environmental improvement projects.
Hikers Representative, Jesse Markman
Joaquin Miller Community Center, Bobbi Feyerabend
Metropolitan Horsemen’s Association, Jennie Leigh
Link to Website
Oakland Dog Owners Group, Emily Rosenberg
Founded in 1997, ODOG promotes dog parks, off-leash space, and a dog friendly Oakland. Email for more information.
Oakland PD Beat 22y NCPC, Jay Ashford
Link to Website
Oakland Trails / Oakland Volunteer Park Patrol, Gary McCormick
Oakland Trails is an all-volunteer organization. Our mission, via our Park Patrol volunteer program, is to welcome and assist park users, and help improve the quality and safety of Oakland’s wildland parks and trails. Link to website.
Piedmont Pines Club Inc – Homeowners Association, [open]
Producers Associates, Jeff Fong
Woodminster Summer Musicals, celebrating “musical theater under the stars” in Joaquin Miller Park since 1967.
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, Johnella LaRose
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust is an urban Indigenous women-led land trust that facilitates the return of Indigenous land to Indigenous people.
Woodside Glen Neighborhood, Bonnie Sherwood | Treasurer & Acting Secretary
Tot Lot Representative, Joel Stewart
Youth Representative, [open]
Ex Officio Members:
Oakland City Council Dist. 4, Jared Savas, Aide to Councilmember Janani Ramachandran
Oakland Parks & Recreation Foundation
Oakland Public Works Agency, Adopt-a-Spot Program