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FOJMP has been commended by the City of Oakland, see more here.
FOJMP Board Meetings are held monthly, normally on the 1st Monday, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM, and are open to the public. Currently our meetings are being held virtually on Zoom. Email us to get an invitation.
(We do on occasion switch up the dates, so check here for updates.)
The Board of Directors is composed of representatives of various stakeholders in the park, including hikers, cyclists, equestrians, dog owners, local homeowner groups and history lovers. All meetings are open to the public, and we welcome your participation. A public comment session is provided at the start of the meeting for anyone who would like to bring issues to the board.
Please drop us a note at if you have any questions.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2768, Oakland, CA 94602 Phone: (510) 473-6567
FoJMP held a training session Promoting Racial Justice and Equity in Oakland Parks on Tuesday, Nov. 9th with Darlene Flynn, the Director of the Department of Race and Equity for the City of Oakland since 2016. A recording of the session is available here.
Our statement on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion may be read here.