Memorial to Dylan Facente Chin

Memorial Bench Honoring Dylan Facente Chin

Joaquin Miller Park is now home to a new bench next to the Pyramid to Moses. The bench was a generous donation to the park from the Facente Chin family in memory of their young son. Dylan was a 9-year old boy who loved JM Park.  He spent much of the pandemic lockdown exploring its trails, mountain biking, playing football in the field and of course climbing the pyramid and waiting for lizards. Dylan was happiest outside and had an early love of reptiles and bugs. Here he got to be with his best friend Miles– the bench is a tribute to their cherished adventures and friendship. He is deeply missed.

Dylan Facente Chin enjoying Joaquin Miller Park

Dylan’s last visit to Joaquin Miller Park

The next time you visit the pyramid, you can have a seat and either watch the gorgeous view of the bay, or turn to face Joaquin Miller’s stone structure and watch for lizards as Dylan was fond of doing

Dylan & Miles special spot in honor of their friendship, Dylan Facente Chin March 28, 2013 - June 23, 2021

Come Celebrate on Saturday, October 9th at noon!

Join us for a special celebration on the afternoon of October 9th, 2021 in Joaquin Miller Park!

A ribbon-cutting ceremony with city officials and the Friends of Joaquin Miller Park at noon will mark the completion of the water feature restoration. As the flow returns to the Woodminister Cascade, our writer in residence, Kristen Caven will lead a sing-along of her soon-to-be-hit song, “Joaquin Miller Went Walkin’.” After that, we’ll head for the Fire Circle for “A Blanket and a Basket of Chow,” a picnic in the meadow or at the tables (bring your own chow!) from 1 to 4 pm.

From 2 to 3pm, Caven will host a presentation called “From Ina to Ayodele.” CWC writers will read works by historical Club members, and new works of their own, and Oakland’s first poet laureate, Dr. Adoyele “Wordslanger” Nzinga, will read poetry by Ina Coolbrith, Joaquin Miller’s good friend and a guiding spirit of our Club. Coolbrith was not only California’s first poet laureate, but the first poet laureate in the United States.

This event is free to the public, but you have to bring your own picnic!

———————— COVID INFO —————————
Masks and social distancing are recommended!
By attending this event in the park, you agree to these three things:
covid agreements